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man how to get along with people with bad tempers

man how to get along with people with bad temper

Man how to get along with the suddenly and violently temper?

To lose his temper, men and women are different. Woman's temper are always gentle. on the other hand, man's temper is always so vigorous, like the avalanche of nine cows.It also pull don't and come back. Why is this case? For a man,how to tidy up the cow temper?

And, of course, not all men are bad temper, It is only relative to women, men's temper seems to be more serious. Investigate its reason, or they become the victims of male irritability syndrome, and as the men's changing social roles, now suffer from the disease of man also more and more.

S such as soft, and many men are always more impulsive. In the workplace, for example, the increase of the pressure of competition and more and more women in the workplace to enter. Let the men's economic status has gradually replaced, the nature will also affect the mood. Such as social relationships, more and more women don't want to also don't want to marry those work ability not equal to their men, and thus get married later, more and more men feel they lack attraction, can't even win a woman's heart. Again for instance, as the growth of the age, male has to meet menopause, also prone to mood swings, irritability and withdrawn. More and more factors to temper "is a" modern man, when the avalanche of temper, finally also hurt hurt.

Then, a man should be how to get along with this kind of temper? Psychological experts Suggestions are given.

What happened to the first of all, if all of a sudden make your mood anxiety, anger, not before you express emotions, first for his own mood curb, such as in the heart said to himself: "for three minutes and then I was angry." Then in the heart silently count. Don't look down upon the three minutes, to a great extent, it can help you to return to reason.

Second, when you find your mood is out of control, to change an environment, your attention and energy will shift accordingly. Don't let you stuck in a dead end, always to think about those people who make you angry or something, you will be more angry. In addition, when the feeling that one's emotions can't control, can take the initiative to do some exercise, let impulsive emotions as sweat flow away together.

Finally, as it often said, he will put the words out, more communication with my friends. Especially when you don't be angry, and often talk to the person by yourself,visualize the way to communicate feelings.

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