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Treatment Plan for Mental Retardation

Treatment Plan for Mental Retardation in child

Questions to ask the parents Treatment Plan for Mental Retardation

• Why are you concerned about your child’s development? Get a clear story of which aspect of the child’s development has led to the consultation.

• By what age did your child learn to hold her head steady? Sit with support? Stand with support?

Walk by herself? Speak her first clear two-word sentence? These are the key milestones.

• Does your child have any difficulties with her hearing? Seeing things? Rule out any sensory problems before you consider the possibility of mental retardation.

• For older children, ask about self-care abilities, school performance and behaviour.

• Does your child have any medical problems, such as fits?

• What do you feel is the cause of the problems? Some parents may think that evil spirits or a curse has caused their child to become retarded.

• Were there any problems during the childbirth, for example prolonged labour? Did the child have any problems during the first month or so after she was born? For example, did she have a

high fever or fits? Is there any family history of learning problems? These questions help to identify the cause of the mental retardation.

Questions to ask the child Treatment Plan for Mental Retardation

Asking the child questions and examining his abilities requires some training and practice. The main tool in detecting mental retardation is a careful history from the parent about the child’s

development and abilities. If the child is old enough, you should ask about worries (such as relationships with friends, studies and school performance, and so on). Knowledge of the kinds of

problems the child is facing may make you think of mental retardation as a cause of these problems. You will also be able to judge the child’s verbal skills and get a sense of whether they are appropriate for his age.

Things to look for during the interview Treatment Plan for Mental Retardation

• Note the child’s level of attention and involvement with the interview. Children with mental retardation often have difficulty following the interview and their mind tends to wander. They may look like they are daydreaming or not paying attention. They may have difficulty understanding simple questions and may give inappropriate answers.

• Unusual physical findings are sometimes seen in children with mental retardation. These

include a small or large head and physical disabilities. However, most children with mental retardation look just like any other child.

• Some children may have a specific genetic syndrome that, in addition to producing mental retardation, also causes specific physical features. The commonest of these syndromes is Down’s syndrome, where a child has slanting eyes, low ears, a short neck and, typically, a single prominent crease across the palms.

Special interview suggestions Treatment Plan for Mental Retardation

Just because a child has MR, it does not mean he is not able to understand what is being said about him. Do not make the mistake of behaving as if the child were not in the room at all. Treat

all children, no matter how severe the MR, with dignity and respect.


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