Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Medical Side Effects Medication

Medical Side Effects Medication we will confi ne
ourselves here to briefl y commenting about the nonmedical clinician’s pivotal
role in drug therapy. Th e main task is to determine when a medication consult
is warranted, based on careful diagnostic assessment. Medications are
indispensable for bipolar disorder, oft en necessary for major depressive episodes
and OCD, and sometimes necessary in cases of panic disorder, PTSD,
and dysthymia. Common sense is another factor when weighing a medication
consult. When a student’s symptoms haven’t remitted aft er a trial of psychotherapy,
and especially if the student is growing discouraged and may drop
out of treatment, then psychopharmacological treatment deserves a chance.
Of course, medicines do have side eff ects, and the consequences of long-term
use are not fully known and for some may be negative (Whitaker, 2002), and so,
if possible, the clinician should try other appropriate treatment remedies before
starting a student on drugs. Another common objection to medications is that
they undercut students’ motivation to understand themselves and learn coping
skills, instilling a passive, “I’m not in control” mindset. However, this argument
can be turned on its head. Rather than undermining psychotherapy, medications
are sometimes a necessary adjunct to it, relieving students of paralyzing
symptoms and so making it possible for psychotherapy to progress.
Nonmedical therapists also can play a helpful role by explaining when
drug treatment is and is not appropriate, specifying what drugs do and don’t
do, stressing the dangers of taking substances while on medications, and listening
to students’ reactions to being on a drug. Since undergraduates can be
unreliable about taking pills and may impulsively decide to stop, clinicians
should monitor compliance with drug treatment regimens and regularly ask
the question, “How are you doing on your medications?” Psychotherapists
should also closely collaborate with prescribers and encourage students to
consult with prescribers as oft en as necessary.

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