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Learn to get along with negative emotions

Learn to get along with negative emotions
Everyone has be in mood,and some emotions are considered to be negative.However,the more you want to get rid of it,the more you are being held back,even controlled completely.It has caused bad effects on our work and lives.,even resulted in psychological problemsseriously.Psychological experts consider that emotions have their own engery.If used well,negative emotions can also have their creativity.We must learn to get along with negative emotions together.
Anxiety and insomnia:like a snowball
Ms Shen  was very upset to see the psychological doctor because she has been bad sleep for more than two months.What resulted in the bad sleep?Asked by the psychological doctor,she reluctantly said that she did not know.She had a stomachache two months ago,then felt uncomfortable here and there.She felt a little worried,then went to the hospital to do a lot of examination,the Department of internal medicne and endocrine checked a pass but did not find what was wrong.What let her down was that appetite was bad and body was always uncomfortable.Whether the gastric nerve was wrong or not?Whether there was bad singals or not?How can the body be?She began to sleeping seriouely gradually,which made her anxious,because the sleep is equivalent to the beauty for a woman.The skin will deteriorate and people are more tend to be aging when sleep is bad.She repeatedly asked the psychiatrist that what was the reason that i could not sleep well?She had not emotional problems and life was very relaxed.There were a few rental buildings and no work pressure locally.But why she can not sleep well?She said cryingly,showing that anxiety put her down.
What she worried about on earth?Ms shen said that just bad sleep.It would be terrible if a woman always could not sleep well?Compared to a snowball,anxiety aggravated her insomnia,meanwhile persistent insomnia made her more anxiety.She was not in the state when worked.She was thrilled to sleep well once a day and reported the good news to friends and relatives.However,she was still insomnia the second day.She was going to collapse to be annoy.
Excessive anxiety:desire too much but not confident enough
Experts thinked that behaviours of Ms Shen was a kind of excessive anxiety on health.Generally,people's emotions have time orientation that the depression points to the past,the fear points to the present and the anxiety points to future because the future is uncertain which results in anxiety.As far as anxious people concerned,their thinking patterns are often not so positive,sunshine but somewhat complex,tend to gray,negative and less elastic.
Moderate anxiety is normal,but excessive,will affect a person's life, result in insomnia and emotional problems and the person is not in the state.The experts points out,"excessive anxiety" is actually a kind of stress.In a social environment filled with anxiety,people which are full of desire and pressure are more likely to feel anxious,also showed that they are easy to lack a sense of security in reality,so they treasured the need of safety.So a person prone to be excessive anxiety,which shows that he has all sorts of desire, his ability to achieve desire is also not so strong or lack of confidence in himself.
Excessive anxiety is a common cause mental problems.If short and non persistent,it will lead to the lighter psychological problems,but it will lead to psychological barriers if prolonged.

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