Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

How to keep mental healthy in competitions

 When you compete with others,you can overcome the inertia ,promote society and economy ,competitions give us hop,youthful spirit and worried ,which will result in a mental malfunction ,emotional disturbance and we will be tired ,not only in physical ,but also in our mental especially losers,owing to their subjective wishers are far from objective satisfy and many people don not have a healthy psychology quality ,finally these people become depressed,worried, even commit a crime or commit suicide .However to keep a healthy mental. First ,you should have a correct understanding of competition ,we know ,if there have competitions there must have success ,also have failure ,but we should treat failure correctly ,you should have a entrepreneurial spirit . Second ,you should have a objective evaluation of yourself ,try your best to success when you draw up a goal ,not only keep a steady heart ,but also combine long-term objective and near-term target ,come down o earth ,work steadily which will be helpful t to achieve your goal . Third ,when you compete with others ,you should consider the situation carefully ,adopt their goods and avoid our shortcomings ,everyone have many needs ,interests and talents ,you should study from their advantages ,then you might win when you feel you will failure .and you should be confident when meet challenges.

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