Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

How does the man get alone with the fierce

How does the man get alone with the fierce As for lose temper, it’s different between man and female. The women often is genteel . It’s easy they get angry, but they also get quit quickly. However, a male is contrary with women. We may reject everyone’s suggestion when we lost our temper. Why it is? How can we male change our stubborn temperament? What can we do to get alone with the stubborn temperament? Here are the psychologist’s advice. First of all, If you come across something which make you angry, you should just tell yourself, such as in the heart said: "for three minutes and then I was angry." Then in the heart silently count. Don't look down upon the three minutes, to a great extent, it can help you to return to reason. Second, when you find your mood is out of control, trying to change an environment, your attention and energy will shift accordingly. Don't let you stuck in a dead end, always to think about those people who make you angry or something, you will be more angry. In addition, when the feeling that one's emotions can't control, can take the initiative to do some exercise, let impulsive emotions as sweat flow away together. Finally, as we often said, putting the words out, more communication with my friends. Especially when you don't angry, and often to talk to the person by you, listen to What happened to the first of all, if all of a sudden make your mood anxiety, anger, not before to each other the most irritable, visualize the way to communicate feelings.

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