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why bed wet

why bed wet Bed-wetting means urinating while sleeping in bed. All children wet the bed until they learn
bladder control. Urinating in clothing in the daytime (enuresis) is a problem only when a child
repeatedly does it after the age of three, and bed-wetting when asleep is a problem only after the
age of five. Children with mental retardation may take longer to learn how to control their urine.

Why do children wet the bed?
The commonest cause is a delay in this area of development of the child. It does not mean that the child is mentally retarded. Some children simply take longer to learn how to control their urine than other children. Some children may start bed-wetting after having learned how to control
their urine. This is often due to the child becoming upset about something, such as fights in the family or the arrival of a baby. Other, less common, reasons include urinary infections, child abuse, diabetes, physical problems in the urinary tract and some neurological problems.


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