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what determines our sexual orientation?

what determines our sexual orientation 

What determines the Sexual orientation

Sexual orientation is finalized when one was born, and will not change by the environment. Sexual orientation is not a choice, nor is it they can be controlled. For sexual orientation, although the consensus of the scientific community is that the persistence of sexual orientation is unchangeable. But for humans, sex is highly controllable. So a man can have sex with a sexual orientation which is not consistent. In other words, a person of the opposite sex orientation, homosexual behavior could be getting, but with the sexual orientation of a person involved in heterosexual sex possible. Therefore, the distinction between sexual orientation and sexual behavior is very important. For example, a person with sexual orientation may choose to have sexual relations with the opposite sex or marriage to them, this shows that he or she is a sex object, "heterosexual", and does not mean that he or her sexual orientation to heterosexual orientation. Some people believe that the so-called "pseudo-gay" or "situational homosexuality" ,they think that some people are gay in the army the temple, but they are not anymore when they leave, and in order to prove that sexual orientation can be changed. This is typical examples of the sexual orientation and sexual confusion . Many of these people only in a specific environment due to lack of access to the opposite sex, so they become homosexual. So they never have the same sexual orientation.

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