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how to rebuild relationship after break up

how to rebuild relationship after break up You can play an important role in helping rebuild relationships. The key is to remember that an unhappy relationship can cause a health problem, or make it worse. Recognising a relationship in
distress is the first step to helping rebuild it. In a small
community, simply being aware and listening to the community
gossip about problems in particular families can give you an idea about who has relationship difficulties. More often, however,you will need to ask about relationships. People who are at risk of facing problems are:
• those with mental health and drinking problems;
• those with unexplained injuries or accidents;
• those with a long-term sickness in their family;
• families who have faced a major life event, such as the loss of a job or arrival of a baby.
how to rebuild relationship after break upThere are three steps in helping rebuild relationships:
• understanding the problem;
• establishing ground rules;
• improving communication.

how to rebuild relationship after break up–Understanding the problem
Talk to both partners together about their difficulties. If this is not possible, speak to both separately, but make it clear that, if they are interested in stopping the relationship from getting worse, they will need to see you together. Often, a frank discussion about what is bothering each partner can itself lead to suggestions on how to improve the relationship. Simply sharing feelings
can be very helpful in rebuilding trust and hope. You may also suggest actions, for example if there is sickness in one partner, or advice on getting a job.
how to rebuild relationship after break up–Establishing ground rules
The basic ground rule is that each partner must not abuse or hit the other. Then, they could suggest some other rules they wish their partner to follow. By discussion with you, both partners agree on a set of rules that will govern the way their relationship is to be rebuilt. For example, the
wife may suggest that her husband should reduce his drinking so that he drinks only once a week.
In return, the husband may say that his wife should not nag him about his friends. These rules are then monitored regularly to see how the couple are progressing. If things are going well, the rules may gradually become part of their daily lives.

how to rebuild relationship after break up–Improving communication
This is the key to rebuilding relationships. If people talk about and share problems, they are more likely to trust each other and come up with solutions. Communication can be improved by asking partners to spend some time, say half an hour, each day talking to each other about their day. Here
are some simple ways of improving communication between partners:
• speaking about what made them happy and what made them sad that day;
• sharing each other’s activities, for example household chores and looking after children, as this can build emotional bonds;
• finding a common and trusted third person to talk to, such as some other family member or friend;
• creating time to enjoy activities that the partners shared
during happier times;
• exploring, when you have gained trust, whether there are any sexual problems .

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