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how to improve your happiness

how to improve your happiness How to improve the sense of happiness?

All healthy people won't go to run a marathon, or participating in the ironman triathlon race, not on the weekend morning suddenly become sports fanatic.On the contrary, they are in regular, low intensity of physical activity, this is a part of their lives.Don't exercise for exercise, try to change your way of life.If you don't like to go to the gym, don't force yourself, but pay you more attention to increase the exercisetime in our daily life.As far as possible to have good habit, opportunity will be a lot more to keep healthy.Of course, if you like sports, you also have a lot of to choose: aerobic exercise can improve the body's ability to transport oxygen;If you want to improve bone strength, prevent osteoporosis, for a walk and stand more than swimming accelerate bone metabolism;Yoga can enhance their ability to balance.The general rule is to persevere.Don't let yourself get too "comfortable", so that it can be many activities in our daily life.As far as possible to get rid of the dependence on the remote control, or try to use a "primitive" way to do household chores, to give the body more activities.

 Not crave sugar, fat, salt and so on food that can be pleasing taste buds , eat less processed food, they are not good to the body.On the contrary, should eat some bitter food.Remember the following these food – fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, they are all healthy food at the dinner table.In addition, every time to eat, remember that "eight full" principle.Don't eat to "full", it is ok to eat to feel "not hungry", to do so is one of the main benefits can reduce free radical damage to the cells.Followed by an exciting benefits can make you lose weight – as long as 10% reduction in weight, helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease.You know, healthy people, don't have a fat man.

Studies show that people lives in strong and healthy family less depression and stress injury.A healthy diet, pressure is small, the chance of a serious accident also is much less.In the research project, a seven years’ tracking survey study of 1189 healthy people, healthy people who live with they family thinking is more keen, stronger social ability.In society, we can see that health professionals have very close relationship with family members.Grandparents provide care, guidance and expectations, but also to take care of children, to provide economic aid, and to help children succeed.And the children also reward on love, respect and care.These gave the crowd a long life power source.

Spend more time with your family, if the whole family can’t sit together to eat seriously every day, at least begin to try to build a traditional, family vacation or celebrations in a planned way, with rituals to strengthen the degree of polymerization of the family.

Laugh can reduce stress, so as to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.Any other as long as it is what can bring you satisfaction, such as a good life, have the feeling of value, is the feeling of care, is the feeling of love, also exist positive role to the health.And the care of friends can let a person feel happy.They not only provide social support network, but also to provide economic and emotional support, make each member know that someone will always help him, to ease the pressure on individuals.Might as well make an appointment for a party with my friends, spend at least 30 minutes a week, and your social circle members of the party, dinner or for a walk together, to build a solid friendship, experience the fun of the contact with people, will bring benefit to your health.

Can reduce stress, slowing down is not only beneficial for maintaining mental health, but also is beneficial to resist disease, healing, or have better prepared for accident.To this end, we should learn to slow down the pace of life.Such as with a hearty breakfast starting the day: to sit beside the table, and focus on food, eat slowly, give yourself more time to capture the satiety, go food tasting flavor – rather than the side road, side took the road to buy breakfast Wolf down into her mouth.

Practice yoga and meditation is the science of uniting the way to relax the spirit, through regular meditation, we can get to know a lot of things in life impatience, anxiety, and demand is so insignificant, so as to relax the mind.According to research, people pay more attention to mental depression and the risk of cardiovascular disease, mental stress and lower the possibility of suicide problem, the immune system is better.So, might as well join one or two mental health club, reading group, drama club, or religious groups.If there is a clear code of conduct, so, if you follow it, the heart will be because I live a "right of life and peace," get stronger self-awareness and happiness.

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