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When they can aware of their sexual orientation finally

Generally speaking, a part of young people in the age of 12 has been clearly aware of their sexual orientation. Another part of young people to the age of 12 -16 years old stage continue to explore their sexuality and gradually finalized. Most people can clearly know the age of 20 when their sexual orientation a. But there are some people in the 40-50-year-old may suddenly realize that their sexual orientation and conviction. These conditions are normal, a man sooner or later realize that their sexual orientation, and personal experience, in which the social and cultural environment, there is a big difference. This is despite the scientific community has reached a consensus regarding same-sex sexual orientation distribution in the general population, but the specific in every culture because "comrades" there is a huge difference in the proportion of so-called "gay more" argument , in fact, on this issue due to lack of knowledge. In fact, with the progress and open society, more and more people with sexual orientation earlier aware of their sexual orientation and more and more people are daring in their lives (or at least within a certain range) to their true essence of life, it gives the so-called "gay more" impression.

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