Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

How to deal with confusion and agitation

 Questions to ask the family or friends
• How did it start? Typically, confusion starts suddenly and the person is brought to the clinic quickly because the family is worried.

• Has it happened before? If there is a history of similar episodes, he may be suffering from repeated strokes, or from alcohol misuse.
• Has he been taking any new medicines recently? Which medicines?
• Has he been suffering from any physical illness recently? Has he had a stroke or heart problem? Has he had a head injury or a seizure recently?
• Does he have a drink or drug problem? If so, when was the last time he had a drink?
• Has he been sleeping well recently? Confusion is almost always associated with disturbances of sleep.
Questions to ask someone who is confused or agitated
• Begin by introducing yourself and clearly stating where you are (for example, “My name is Marina. I am a nurse. This is the clinic in your village of …”).
• Have you had any problems recently? The answer may give you a clue to whether the person is aware of what has been happening recently.
• Could you tell me what day it is? Could you tell me my name? Could you tell me where we are right now? These questions test whether the person is disoriented.
• Have you been drinking alcohol recently? When was your last drink?
• Do you have pain anywhere in your body? Where? Pain may be a sign of a medical illness.
• Do you feel worried for your safety? Are you hearing or seeing things that others cannot?
Suspicious thoughts and hallucinations are typical features of confusion.

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