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WIFI addiction can be called “new addiction”

 As is known to all, smoking addiction has great harm . According to the fox news, Britain's daily telegraph and the British broadcasting company and other integrated media reports, many survey found that these days, almost ubiquitous WIFI (connected to the Internet in wireless way technology) addiction can be called "new addiction".

    According to statistics, in 2012, 61% of American households connected to the WIFI. Among them, 30% of people said they can't  take a trip time more than 1 hour without WIFI; 60% of people can't accept a no-WIFI day; 39% of people said as long as can use WIFI, they could not drink coffee;43% said they preferred WIFI don't snack. Another survey found that 75% of Americans said that a week without WIFI with angry feeling more serious than a week don't drink coffee. 44% of Americans said that it is difficult to keep in touch with my family if leave WIFI.

    The study found that WIFI addiction include: social network addiction; Addicted to online gaming, gambling, fry and online shopping network; Information overload(resulting in a decline in work efficiency and reduce compulsive Internet social interaction); Surf the Internet to lose self-control, etc. Brain scan study found that Internet addiction can damage associated with emotion, attention and decision-making process of fibrous tissue, the injury and brain nerve damage caused by alcohol and drug use are very similar. The excessive use of WIFI can also lead to more distant with family and friends, dry eye, pain, weight gain or sleep disorders.

    The study also found that the WIFI system will produce electromagnetic radiation (EMF), some people may produce "electromagnetic allergy ". Electromagnetic allergies may also link with some disease, such as cancer, hyperactivity ,  migraine, loss of sleep,  of Parkinson's disease, and back pain, etc. Researchers said, although not everyone on the WIFI electromagnetic allergy, but the popularity of WIFI may aggravate allergies.

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